Ahhhhhhh, here we go, knitting
This week's knitting has been a bit thin. I hate finishing projects. I'd (almost) rather not knit than work on something I hate.
Take for example the albatross of an afghan for my dad. I decided I can't cast on a new thing until I finish it, my Olympic sweater, and those baby pants I'm sure the kid has outgrown. Remember Olive?

(Here laying on top of Blu that I am trying to photograph)
The other night I grabbed a beer and decided to work on the flippin' afghan. It was a good compromise, and I actually can see the end nearing. I didn't quite complete either, and (here's the problem) and left the bottle on the edge of the futon. Overnight. Guess what I found when I woke up? A beer-soaked non-washable afghan courtesy of Olive the cat.
Here's another Olive shot, in case there's someone out there that doesn't think she'll give me a heart attack one day:

Don't ask how she got on the roof, and why she'd get up there only to be too freaked out to come down.
Here's the real knitting problem, and the point of my post today:

See where the leaf is pointing? I can't keep holes from forming on the gussets of socks. I've tried picking up oodles of stitches on the flap, and picking up just a few. I've tried twisting the stiches on these anklets:

but I still have a big ol' hole. Any suggestions?? I don't want to make the other bumblebee sock with a hole, too.
In an unrelated note, I'm gearing up for Dye-o-Rama. My secret pal has been super-nice, and I'm trying to learn from her how to be good to my swappee. And then, look what I found in the garden:

Dye practice to come this afternoon!
For that hole problem: Are you starting your heel flap with an entirely new ball of yarn (just leave the main sock yarn hang)? In the "Purl Stitch" book by Sally Melville, she recommends that you start a new ball of yarn at the heel and use that until you get to the gussets, then go back to the yarn you were using on the leg of the sock to knit the gussets and foot. This is my favorite sock pattern. It is so basic that after you have knit two socks, you really understand all the proportions of a sock and can just play with the patterns! Good luck.
I pick up my stitches kinda weird - I loop the lower part of the stitch I'm picking up through the uppper part so it forms a stitch unto itself. When I do that on the gusset it helps close the holes. I think Grumperina had a post about it a while back...
I have such great laughs with Olive the cat, she's hanging around in such a relaxed way, and I do adore her bewildered look on the roof :)
As for the hole-problem - here we are two already! I've tried everything I could come up with, picking up stitches like mad, tightening the yarn till it ripped - and yet I still have holes in the gusset - mostly, not always, strangely... I guess we'll both have to try out any hints we can get - the posters before me sure had some great ideas already.
But the sock is so gorgeous and cheerful, with our without a gusset-hole!
Hey Girl, I love Olive! She seems to be quite the character. About those blasted holes.... I'm sorry I can't offer any advice at this time. I have
this far only knit 2 socks, neither of which, mysteriously, have any holes. But I think it was just luck, because
I don't know what I did or didn't do to get the hole-less results. Sorry.
It sounds like Olive really keeps you on your toes! Hole or no hole the sock is very cool. Good luck with dyeing can't wait to see the results!
The thing about the hole in the gusset... Every sock I have ever made has one. I saw Karen Baumer on Knitty Gritty talk about that hole and tell me not to worry about it. The thing is, with wearing, washing, and the normal use of a sock, the hole fills itself. I do the most basic socks with one ball of yarn, no joining of new balls, no stripes, no what have yous, and the hole still fills itself in. It felts a bit, and blocks on the foot, is my understanding. However, I know you want the trick I know as well... I pick up stitches through both legs of the stitch (the suckers are sideways, you'll know it when you see it) and knit into the back loop. Tightens up just a bit. The hole still happens, but I don't stress over it as much, knowing I have done all I can do and that someone's happy foot will fix the hole for me, as a way to thank me for the socks. Remember Yoshi's socks? Holes completely gone. He has worn the socks maybe 5 times, with me handwashing (grrrr...) between each wearing.
And tell Olive I love her for being the new nuisance in your life. It's not me anymore.
Cat Bordhi's book told me to pick up a stitch at the junction of the heel flap and the cuff of the sock, in addition to the usual stitches along the heel flap. And then on the next round knit into back loops to tighten everything up. I don't think I have hole problems, but I think I'm going to take a closer look at the few socks I've knit!
When you're working on your heel flap, do you leave the instep on a needle? If so, try putting it on waste yarn. There will be less weight hanging there to stretch the stitches. I usually wrap the two outside instep stitches when starting the flap and pick up the wraps when starting to go round again. And if after all that, you still get a hole, it's easy to just turn the sock inside out and do a little "reconstructive surgery" and no one but you will know there was a hole there :-)
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