Oh, this may be long
I am desperately trying to post before the coffee finishes perking. I don't know how much my husband is making for me, I only know that when it is done I have to stop blogging *gasp* and start studying for the final. Tomorrow. Yeek.
Because the subject of knitting Librarians is SO exciting, I thought I'd post more about it. I promise, it will be over soon. Yesterday, I went to our conference/convention thingie all prepared to knit. Strong! Bold! Knitter! Or something like that, but I was going to be brave. Instead? I was late and I was cold. So cold that my fingers were in my armpits (not like Mary Katherine Gallagher) and they were still too stiff to knit. So cold the windows were shut and the curtains still blew. Not fluttered, blew. Ok, and I was late and had the direct-line-of-sight chair with the view of the speaker, and I was a chicken. I went home and got a jacket.
Here's the knitting action: I came back for the afternoon session (on blogging and wikis, no less), grabbed a chair in the back, and dragged out the sock. Really, at this point, it was about six rows of k1p1 ribbing, and not resembling a sock at all. One of my classmates from library school (oooo, he's a cutie, too) sat in front of me and chatted for a bit, finally asking what I was knitting. I think he thought it (not me) was cute. I let him know that what was really happening on the back row in class every week was exactly this. He was shocked. Serves him right for being an uninformed minority. While trying not to roll my eyes, I see this woman...who looks familiar. She eyes the sock (in a good way), puts down her stuff and comes over. I say (I'm not bright, you know) "I know you!" (That had to come out creepy, I know). Turns out, it was a fellow knit blogger, Sarah. And, as it turns out, she had been at the WEBS event and I remembered seeing (read: drooling over) her cardi. This, folks, is why we (ok, me) should never be afraid to knit in public.
Today, I had no balls. My first morning session was boring and empty (it was on cataloging) and I felt embarrassed. The second session was packed. Packed in an I think I still have the corduroy from the guy next to me's pants still imprinted on my thigh. Ewwww. At lunch, though we had a guest speaker, the guy who draws this and I got to sit at my back corner table and knit. He described the comic (about a library if you don't want to follow the link) and various characters. He mentions a new one, a cataloger, who...knits. Imagine how funny my table mates thought that was. I'm a Librarian now (capital L), and we'll just pretend I'm not still a cataloger, too, ok?
How about some pics?

Here's the sock after 2.5 conference sessions. Looks like a stripe each, hmm? Not shabby. The book (signed) is for a librarian friend that completely takes care of everyone, including me. She loves Unshelved, and deserved a gift.
I haven't really been finishing those things I promised I would. Mostly because I can't stand to look at them. I've poked around a bit on this:

After making my crochet horror and three knit face cloths for my mother, my DH (which is what he calls himself now) wondered why HE didn't get one, too. So, here it is.
What I have been trying to do is spin the last ounce of the roving I got, so I can ply it with the first oz.

The problem is that the spindle is too heavy now, and won't take the last 12 or so inches of roving I have left. Now, I know I've spun this bit a LOT thinner than before, so I will already have more than enough length to ply. Its just that I hate to waste it. Maybe card it (later, when I have cards) with something else?
What I should be doing is practicing dyeing this:

This was supposed to be a pic of 8 one oz. skeinlets of Cascade Eco Wool, but Olive had other plans. Why is this surprising to me? I hung them on the chair to photograph them, and between turning the camera on and clicking the button she jumped up, whacked the skeinlets around a bit and jumped down, leaving just her butt behind. That's my girl, leading with her rear end.
For the record, this is NOT the yarn I will be using for my Dye-O-Rama swap, but is instead my practice palette. Why did I need to drop 15 bucks on practice yarn when I have a KnitPicks order in? Because I ordered it TWO weeks ago and its still not here. Me worried? Noooooo. Be warned that I have a meme to do for them, most likely tomorrow.
Finally, to answer Sarah:

I keep it on a shelf next to my knitting spot, and gaze lovingly on it, color 143. It looks like it is the supermerino.
Question: I know some of the conferences you are going to lately are knit-allergic, no needles allowed, but can you maybe spin?
Just thinking that question up made me laugh at myself.
And, I love Olive's butt, as well as the swan-shaped bit of roving or whatever sitting next to your spindle. Very you.
Usually when knitting in public one of two things will happen. Either someone will look at you like you have a third eyeball or you'll actually meet someone who knits which is always a good thing. Great job on the spinning it looks beautiful!
As you gain some professional experience (and seniority) you can be the nutty person who knits at every conference, but is too established/old/nutty for anybody to complain about it. I was hesitant to knit years ago, but over time I've decided that I just do it! Now one of my coworkers knits with me in conferences!
Hope the test went well. As I was sitting, watching the children take a test today, I was working on the other bootie and it was amazing how many came up and said, "My grandmother does that." Epp! Fifth graders and I AM old enough to be their Grandma! I may have to take up spinning just to blow their minds!
Ok, This is a first for me posting to a blog, hope I do it right. I just have to thank you again for the great book (and the amazingly kind words in this post) You are a very special person and I'm blessed for our paths crossing. I'm home alone in my house since I don't know when. I've flylady cleaned and am finally finishing email stuff and then off to shave my legs and take a bath before the kids get home. Hope the final went well and you have a nice weekend. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!!
Hi - just a word of caution on the Cascade Eco wool. It doesn't take the dye as well as other yarns do. I dyed a bunch of it first with Kool Aid, then with professional dyes. Both times I ended up with colors that were not too bright. Pretty subtle.
Here is a link to the professional dyes with the Eco wool:
Since you're using Kool Aid, don't get discouraged if the practice yarn doesn't come out as well. The KNitpicks yarn will.
Have fun!
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