Hair (not knitting)
I hate getting my hair cut. I always have, probably because when it came to hairstyles as a kid/teen, my vote didn't much count. ("While you live in my house..." or more often, "No! You'll look like your mother.") Probably had something to do with me leaving home so early. So, as soon as I could. I started growing my hair long, plain out of spite. Years later, I ditched the spite, but still drag my feet. I bump an appointment off a week, then poof! another six months go by.
Then, I read Jess' post last week. Time to get off my lazy end and go from this:

To this:

See how much happier I look?
Thanks, Jess.
That looks AWESOME!!!
Don't you feel like you've lose eleventeen thousand pounds off your head?
Maybe we'll start a trend... ;o)
Though I have to give credit, too - Carole's haircut a month or so ago originally got me thinking about chopping...
You look great and think how much cooler you'll be in the summer.
Why you look so sad? I loved that length when I met you, and continue to do so. Just think how nice it will be to not have to wash all that stuff, and if you want, it's now manageable to color your own hair. Super fun. Of course, I don't recommend at-home highlighting since Yoshi turned me into a tiger last year, but....
I just realized that this is the first time I have seen you (in person or in pictures) for almost 2 years......:(
that pony guy....
I think it looks great! I can't bear my hair to get long and I'm already counting the days until the 12th so I can have mine shorn! Your friend Jess's hair looks fabulous too :o)
Cute, now smile will ya? Your yarn will arrive any day!
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