16 August 2006

Navajo what?

Yes, the ones who Navajo ply are the clever ones. Sadly, I didn't realize--until looking for a link for this here post--that one could Navajo ply on the wheel. (You may smack your foreheads in shame and embarrassment for me, its ok.) I had only remembered this tutorial out there-- probably because I only had a spindle, when I went searching last.

Sheeesh, let's move on, I'm embarassed for myself. What you see here is (a rather fuzzy) final shot of the very first wheel spun yarn of mine (!!!!!) I have fully embraced the "novelty" aspect of it, as thick and thin is truly its hallmark. But isn't it pretty?? I'm pretty impressed with myself that it looks like yarn at all, since most was spun during a time that I have little memory of. It really really wanted to be Clapotis, but I've had to break the news to it gently that there's simply not enough yardage.

So what's next? Just moments after moving the wet yarn to the clothesline outside, I had Kelly's hand-dyed Blue Faced Leicester tucked securely under my arm and was making a bee-line for the wheel. I hear a small voice say: "You're spinning that?"

I nod my head slowly. What on earth else am I to spin? (Let's forget the bin of fiber in the corner, ok?) Mr. Cygnet says, "What about what you bought for me?" I wrack my brains (Swiss cheese though they still be) and can't come up with anything. "You know, that you bought at Cummington!"

Now, I have no recollection of this. The day was winding down, and we had just finished talking to a mill that had not only processed roadkill raccoons that were last year's S&W festival hit, but they were conveniently located just across the river from us. I was possibly still shaken up about the image of these guys pulling a truck over to the side of Route 9 when Mr. Cygknit asked for some roving for me to spin for him. Unfair, I say. So, sadly, I put down Kelly's luscious roving and was handed this:

This is half of the 4 oz., the other half is sitting next to the wheel. The colors are not what I'd choose, but it makes the man happy and he has been doing a bang up job of keeping me in good spirits. I pulled a bit out for you to see--this wool is so fine that it practically spins itself. As sad as it was for me to put away Kelly's gift for today, this isn't too bad. Here's it spun a bit:

Of course, the bobbin is much more full since I've taken the picture :)


At 10:52 AM, Blogger KnitterBunny said...

Ah, you put me to shame with all of your spinning. Darn job getting in the way of good spinning and knitting time.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger swan/dragon said...

Don't forget that you still have fiber from NC to spin, alpaca and wool, and that your good friends want to see it and knit with the technicolor stuff you got. Oh, and I know you have plenty of other fun stuff to spin, as well... But indulge the man.
How cute is it that he wants you to spin him some yarn? Is that contagious, and when can we rub him up against my man (in a totally heterosexual way) so he'll catch whatever it is he's got? I'm just pleased Yoshi will sit in a yarn store and wait for me; yours takes many, many cakes.

At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your handspun looks great and on pain pills no less! I think you're a natural! Your husband picked out some really nice fiber. Happy spinning!

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Gorgeous gorgeous fiber! Love the spinning, all of it :)


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