Wool etiquette
I seriously need some help, folks.
The owners of our wee cottage live next door. They own most of the land along this side of the pond, and we have a downright friendly relationship with them. They're my parent's age, but are laid back and quite nature oriented. The Mr. is an adjunct professor, and the Mrs. works in psychology/social work. They have a gynormous garden that's 100% organic, and they often bring us goodies from it. (Want mustard greens? I got tons of 'em.) The Mrs. is from Maine, and is a knitter of many decades. She doesn't knit much anymore; it was a way of life in Manie, but not so much in Connecticut. She knows my
She came over today, while we were working in the yard, and dropped a big Rubbermaid tub on the ground. Opening it up, she said "Take whatever you want. Its all Maine wool."
A photo:

(Chucky (my sweetie) calls this "wool on a picnic." I tried setting them on my coffee table, but there was too much. And I have a big cofee table.)
Here's the deal:
1. Most of these skeins are huge, well over 200 yards.
2. 4 skeins are Peace Fleece
3. Several are straight off a farm, and are old. Like, I was a toddler when they were bought. (no apparent damage, though)
4. They are all worsted weight, heavy, and mmmmmm mmmmmm greasy.
I have been fighting the urge all day to grab the bucket and run. In my fantasy, I'm screaming "MINE! Mine! All MINE!" as I run down the street laughing maniacally.
That's probably not proper etiquette, is it?
How much can I take and not be a wool-pig? Is there a legal limit? Seriously, I full believe that whole "wool fumes" concept. I can't think straight. My vision is all blurry. My hands are trembling, and I see wool everywhere I look. (Picking it all up from the yard should help that.) What should I do?
I'm sorry, I can't give you a clear answer. I gotta go get a paper bag to breathe into....
It's the day for being Daffy Duck about yarn. I,too, wanted to run down the street with my score yelling,"Mine, all Mine! Bwah hah hah!!". Take all you want, knit one or two things for charity and donate in your and your neighbor's name.
I am sure you know what I am thinking. I would pay the postage, you know.
I like needletart's idea of knitting a few things for charity, and in the neighbor's name. Let her know that's your plan and the crunchy granola side of her will never think twice about giving it ALL to you. Project Linus, anyone?
Never look gift wool in the ply. It's given freely so enjoy knitting it, and I agree with the "give a few things to charity in both of your names" comment by needletart.
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