Thank you all for the suggestions on what to do with all that wool. Try as I might, I just can't let it go back to the dark shed it came from. It would be too cruel of me--it would be lonely there, right?
Reflecting on that sentence for a moment, I realize that (most) other people would think I have a serious problem, (not with what to do with the wool, but a mental kind of problem) but I knew you guys would be helpful, and wouldn't think I need special medication. At least for this, anyway.
I'm going to have to poke around to see what charities allow 100% wool. I know that some prefer *gasp* acrylic as it is washable. There must be some that like wool.
I realized that I don't ever show pictures of knitting anymore. That can't be good. I certainly wouldn't want any nasty rumors going about that some silly girl has a knit blog...with no knitting.
That said, I present...dyeing:

This is going out in a care package for someone who's doing a felting project of purples. Its just 100 yards, but I think it will help.
And since I did promise knitting, I present my sanity:

(The color is actually brick red, not the bright pink that's showing up here at my work terminal)
This is the lace border that Chucky spent hours charting to fix the obvious error in the pattern. I worked on it on the way up to Maine last weekend and, uh, it (the pattern) was right. Whoops. Not that it was easy, though, as it took more than 5 hours to do those 11 rows. I think the words "Don't even think about talking to me. I'm doing a K4tog" came out of my mouth. Most likely followed 30 seconds later with "Why are you talking to me?" (I know, I really ought to work on that nice thing.) Even though the lace made me want to fling myself out of the car, the stockinette stitch is the real (and desperately needed) sanity knitting.
And, because sanity is overrated, my Dye-O-Rama sock:

Toe-up? What toe-up? I have no idea of what you speak.
Since I put in the Charity idea, how about a felted bag or felted anything donated to a charity auction? Our local library has a gift basket drawing to encourage summer reading, and I know I would love (!) to get a felted bag filled with goodies form your lys (The bag donated by our lys is canvas and printed with non-yarn related advertising).
Love the lace. Let us know how the chart really should be.
I think charity's a great idea and I nominate the Jane Can't Knit Anymore, Let's Knit Her Something Charity :o)
Seriously, that felted bag sounds a good idea people don't have to fret about washing it too often then!
Anytime you want a toe up/Magic Loop lesson just say the word...
If you check out the Peace Fleece website (to which you so graciously posted a link), you will find a few charities that accept 100% woolen items. I liked Warm Woolies, which dresses up children in some unfortunate country or other in your hand-knit warmie-warmies.
And of course, don't forget that charity begins at home, and since your mother still lives down here in Florida, somewhere near me I am certain, that makes it your home. So send some yarn back home. To somewhere near your mother.
I love the lace. And I thank the stockinette for keeping you bearable.
Love the lace and the purple yarn! I haven't mastered the whole toe up sock thing either.
Toe up? I don't know what those are either.
The Dulaan project likes wool, since their stuff goes to kids in Mongolia, one of the coldest places on earth.
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