Today's post was going to be about an ankle sock I cast on last night. Let me just say now, for the record: A gauge swatch for a sock is not a stupid idea. No matter how much so it may seem. Trust me on this, ok?
How about some Project Spectrum-ness?
A wee bit of blue in the

Our dairy set of dishes:

In Mr. Cygknit's kosher home growing up, anything in the kitchen colored blue or green was only to be used for dairy (milk, cheese, etc) or parve (fish, eggs, veggies). If you were having a meat meal (red or chicken, even with parve stuff), you used red or yellow dishes. Everything, from the designs on the plates to the sponges and towels by the sink followed these color coordinating rules. When we were trying to figure out what to register for, (my lord, what a pain that was) we fell in love with these blues. We eat a lot of dairy meals now.
Being the only person who doesn't own the Mason Dixon book, I have to design my own washcloths (rather, warshcloths--I have plenty of Southern in me):

A little blue never hurt no one.
The warshcloth pattern is on just about every ball band for Peaches or Sugar n Cream, ya know... They admitted this blatant plagiarism right in the book.
I love your yarn display. i wish I had enought leftover of any one color scheme to create one. maybe if I make all those jewel-toned pillows I planned in NC?
Love all your blues!
Never too much blue in one life (or dairy for that matter!)
Love your dairy dishes! When we were first married we had blue pottery dishes, then we had children. Many years of Corelle. I think you're on to something with the blue and red. Have you ever noticed that kosher soap (I forget which brand) comes in blue and red?
You are *not* the only blogger who doesn't own that book. So there. :op
...besides don't you work in a library? Can you...borrow one? ;o) I mean, it's been a whilel since I've been allowed in my local library (long story and as a librarian you'll have to hate me - don't ask) but I'm pretty sure that's how they work...
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